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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Clean UI Admin Template Modular + Trendy Design + Modules Market + BEM + Angular 4 + Visual Builder

DOWNLOAD Clean UI Admin Template Modular + Trendy Design + Modules Market + BEM + Angular 4 + Visual Builder


Clean UI is the first framework in the world, which uses the concept of modularity. The use of such approach allows you to drastically reduce the time and cost of development. Build the interface from the ready blocks and modules quickly and easily, like Lego! And all this is available now for Angular (version 2 or higher).
This is a completely modular framework, built on the latest technologies, such as BEM methodology (Block Element Modifier). You can learn more about the methodology here. Following the simple and understandable rules of this methodology allows the easy support of code even after long-term development. Adding new functionality and modifying the old one has never been so easy before. The presence of a variety of useful development methodologies make this process easier and more enjoyable; for example, such feature as rem measurement units make mobile versions of applications, built on the basis of Clean UI, look great on any type of devices. Open our template on your mobile phone and be sure to verify it yourself! Build cross platform desktop and mobile apps with Electron or Cordova!
Clean UI – a modern professional admin template, based on Bootstrap 4 framework. It’s a powerful and super flexible tool, which suits best for any kind of web application: Web Applications; CRM; CMS; Admin Panels; Dashboards; etc. Clean UI is fully responsive, which means that it looks perfect on mobiles and tablets.
Our template is fully based on SASS pre-processor, includes 50+ commented SASS files. Each file corresponds to a single component, layout, page, plugin or extension – so you can easily find necessary piece of code and edit it for your needs. The package includes CSS files compiled from SASS.

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