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Monday, April 10, 2017

MegaHealth - Multipurpose Health Center & Medical WordPress Theme

Introduction – MegaHealth – A Multipurpose Medical WordPress Theme

MegaHealth is a fully responsive and customizable WordPress theme specifically designed for Appointment Booking System. Built with a clean and modern design, this theme can be easily customized as per your needs. The premium plugins that come along with the theme like Visual Composer and Slider Revolution add cherry on the cake.
Mega Health wordpress theme
Find all these features in bullet points, so you can utilize this template at the maximum of its capabilities:
  1. Responsive Website
  2. Full-Width and Boxed Layout
  3. Built with Bootstrap 3
  4. Style variations with unlimited possibilities
  5. Multiple Color & Font Variations
  6. 404 Not Found Page
  7. 2 Home Page Layout
  8. 2 Blog layout
  9. Appointment Booking System
  10. Mega Menu Functionality
  11. Visual Composer Shortcodes
  12. Shop Pages for Shopping Cart
  13. Contact Form 7 Compatible
  14. WooCommerce inbuilt
  15. Visual Composer Ready
  16. Mailchimp Compatible
  17. BuddyPress Compatible
  18. WooBooster Compatible
  19. WooDonation Compatible
  20. WPML Compatible
  21. Fixed, Sticky & Intelligent Sticky Header
  22. RTL support
  23. Revolution Slider
  24. Google Map API
  25. Google Web Font
  26. Retina Ready
  27. Font Awesome
  28. One Click Install
  29. PHP version >= 5.3 compatible
  30. WordPress version >= 4.4 compatible
  31. JS Validation & Working Contact Form
  32. 100% valid HTML & CSS code
  33. A+ Grade PageSpeed


Version 1.0.0 – 10th April 2017
- Published on ThemeForest

Awesome Friendly Support:

theem’on is handling technical support for this MegaHealth Theme. So, in case, you have any query related to this best of the best , Feel free to drop a mail to us at support@theemon.com or contact us via ThemeForest.net user page contact form.

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